New Shop for Ranch Life Naturals!

New Shop for Ranch Life Naturals!

What a cool, fun, creative, rewarding and a lot of work project!! 😍😁
We outgrew the micro-store and expanded to a little more space with a lot of character. It's exactly what I envisioned and more. I'm so thankful for the village of people who had a hand in helping this project come together. Not everyone who helped is on FB to tag, but I'm thankful for you all. And, a little extra appreciation to Audi for building a barn for me in our store and accepting my additions with a smile. The barn board on the shelf and the check out counter are made from wood from my parents barn. It makes it even more special to me.❤️💫
I want to give special thanks to everyone who came to Ranch Life Naturals grand opening yesterday for our new retail shop. I loved seeing you all and your compliments made my heart sing. I'm so happy you all loved the shop.
Many have asked if we will expand our hours. At this time we will remain open every Thursday and the first Saturday of each month from 8 to 6. We are planning to open our doors more days in December for holiday shopping. We'll see what the future holds.
Thank you for being part of my vision.



New shop